Bay Area Fair Trade Coalition

Dedicated to raising awareness and building demand for Fair Trade in the Bay Area.
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A Special Message from Lauren Van Ham and the Berkeley Fair Trade Campaign

“Hello, Fair Trade Friends,

For all of you who were able to attend Berkeley's City Council meeting last night, THANK YOU! And for those of you who could not be there, but were sending good Fair Trade vibes to the East Bay, we felt them! (Do I sound like I'm from Berkeley, or what???)

Although the City Council decision to defer to the City Manager for review means a delay for the resolution, it certainly seems the review will only add credibility and strength to the decision and it will likely pass at the meeting on June 1st. Assuming this happens, it would be fun to celebrate with anyone willing to visit Berkeley that night. Stay tuned for some Fair Trade party details....

In the meantime, thank you again for the show of support. And SPECIAL thanks to Billy and Carolyn who provided succinct and impactful public testimonies. Wishing you all great fun as you recognize and celebrate World Fair Trade Day”

Lauren Van Ham
Chair, Berkeley Fair Trade campaign

Visit the Berkeley Fair Trade Campaign here: