Bay Area Fair Trade Coalition

Dedicated to raising awareness and building demand for Fair Trade in the Bay Area.
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Fair Trade Coalitions of America Unite & Take over!

Fair trade coalitions from all across the nation met for the 1st time on Monday, February 27 to discuss the future of a national Fair Trade Towns Campaign to unite the efforts of local coalitions.
Members of Fair Trade Coalitions from Boston, New York, Chicago, Seattle, San Francisco, L.A., and San Diego. Also on the call were staff members of Oxfam and Transfair.

Action Items:

All Coalitions: Take time in the next monthly meeting to discuss what a Fair Trade Town looks like in your city. Come up with a definition, using the UK definition as a basis, and consider the difficulties highlghted below.
All Coalitions: As you consider FT towns in greater depth, contact Shayna with what types of things you'd like to learn from the UK study that will take place soon.
Greg: Send out San Francisco's "1st crack" at defining FT town standards for SF.
Scott: Setup Yahoo Group and send instructions to Greg Burton for how to join.
Greg: Send out SF outreach form, so other groups can benefit from our Fair Trade Cafe Crawl method.

Fair Trade Towns Guide:
For the guide that Galstang wrote to help other cities with their campaigns, go here: